ONE is fun! | Rio Grande Valley children’s photographer | Melissa Rodriguez Photography

Happy early Birthday to Mr. B! He turns ONE tomorrow!! I couldn’t make his mom wait another day to see the peek. 😉 I had a blast playing with him and photographing his first birthday portraits. Big brother H came along too and was such a sweet helper. Thanks so much Mandy for trusting to photograph your family again. You have such precious boys!

Love this first image…he’s even showing us how old he’s turning tomorrow! 😉 His grandma must think he’s pretty special because she made that stunning cake for him. As you can tell, it was lip-smacking good!

This little man had open heart surgery in November…if you look closely you can see his scar. He is such a happy boy for having gone through so much in his first year.

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you did such an awesome job Melissa, I LOVE them already and I haven’t even seen them all yet!! Exciting!!


you did such an awesome job Melissa, I LOVE them already and I haven’t even seen them all yet!! Exciting!!